Recipes are collections of tag values organized in sets that satisfy specific application requirements.
For example, if you have to control room variables (temperature and humidity) in the morning, afternoon and evening. You will create three sets (morning, afternoon and evening) in which you will set the proper tag values.
Each element of the recipe is associated to a tag and can be indexed into sets for a more effective use. This feature allows you to extend the capabilities of controllers that have limited memory.
You can add controller data to a page using a recipe widget. Recipe data contains all the controller data items; however data is no longer read directly from the controller but rather from the associated recipe element in the HMI device.
Recipe data is configured in JMobile Studio workspace; the user can specify default values for each element of the data records. In JMobile HMI Runtime, data can be edited and saved to a new data file, any change to recipe data is therefore stored to disk. With the use of a separate data file JMobile HMI Runtime ensures that modified recipe values are retained throughout different project updates. In other words, a subsequent project update does not influence the recipe data modified by the user in the JMobile HMI Runtime.
See "Recipe actions" for details on how to reset recipe data.
Note: Recipe data can be stored on a Flash memory, on a USB drive or on a SD card.